Welcome to Boro Angels

Boro Angels – Helping The Community

Since January 2010, Boro Angels volunteers have offered a friendly, caring, compassionate presence in Middlesbrough Town Centre on Saturday nights, giving out Hot Drinks, Flip-Flops, Lollies, Water, Foil Blankets and First Aid.

We look out for those that are vulnerable and help

however we can, often offering a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. Our excellent contacts mean we can assist those who have emotional, mental health or addiction issues or are homeless or sleeping rough

We aim to make a difference on the streets of Middlesbrough.


This week is our 15th Anniversary ! Happy Birthday to us

A caring presence on the streets, helping keep Middlebrough’s community safe since 2010

SOME OF OUR STATISTICSThis week This MonthTotal : 2025
Glass & Bottles Collected383896
Hot Drinks given out181896
Flip Flops for tired / poorly feet8817
Bottles of Water given out2214
Foil Blankets issued339
First Aid incidents dealt with000

Registered Charity No. 1144832. Registered Office: (not correspondence address)
St. Barnabas, Church Office, 1A St Barnabas Rd, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6JR